Sunday, January 16, 2011

Book Review: The Lexical Funk by Daniel Clausen

The Lexical FunkThe Lexical Funk by Daniel Clausen

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'd like to thank Daniel Clausen for sending me a copy of "The Lexical Funk" to read and review.

This is the first book of short stories I've reviewed. I wasn't quite sure what to expect past the description--I almost assumed it would be a less-dry version of the British hit "Eat, Shoots & Leaves". I was quite terribly mistaken. It was so much more enjoyable than that (which is saying a lot coming from an English major).

Clausen takes the English language, and in this book of short stories--ranging in length from 2 pages to more--he creates a mixtape of words. From the angst-filled "Sages and Scarecrows", to the 50's Sci-Fi throwback "Starlight Terror and the Cappucino Machine" (my favorite) and the jazzy rap of "The Lexical Funk" I was carried along for the ride. I wasn't sure where I would wind up next, but somehow it all fit together.

I have to admit there were some stories that I didn't quite get. I felt akin to the time I took the AP English exam and had to analyze a poem. In otherwords: I am too dumb to understand this fine piece of literary work. But no matter. The interesting and mostly hysterical interludes between stories made me feel better and kept my interest throughout. (Just like die-hard credit watchers, read everything, including the oft-overlooked copyright page.)

This book would be best suited for older High school through adult due to language and adult situations.

I look forward to reading more by Clausen, and definitely recommend this book.

*Note--A copy of this book was sent to me for review. Disclosure provided per FTC guidelines. My review is my honest, unbiased opinion.*

View all my reviews

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dreams of a Child Realized as an Adult

I have loved to read books, and write stories, books and poetry, ever since I was little. My mom said I knew how to read by the time I was 3--thanks to pre-Elmo Sesame Street and some discarded Dick & Jane books my dad picked up from a school or library.

I think I plagarized my first story when I was in 1st grade. I just substituted dog for cat (after all, I only had a dog). My teacher and mom sat me down and explained that copying was wrong. I needed to use my own ideas and my own words. Message received.

I remember writing a letter to Charles Schultz (ok, so he's a cartoonist but let's not nitpick). I got a letter back. I think it was a real letter too. Can't find it. One of those treasures I hope I have somewhere, not having realized the value of such a piece of paper, although I was tickled to have gotten it.

In middle school, I was enamoured with the "Soup" series of books by Robert Newton Peck. Imagine my excitement when I found he was going to speak at our school. ON MY BIRTHDAY. I sat in the front row of the auditorium, wriggling with excitement. As a part of his rehearsed talks with students, he asked about birthdays. I nervously stood up and probably flushed with excitement and not just a little nervousness when he pointed to me and asked me to come up. Robert Newton Peck and the entire room sang happy birthday TO ME.

My passion for writing grew--and I never forgot that day. In high school, a story I wrote won not only a school award but an award for the state. My very first paycheck for my writing. I think it was like $50 but it felt like a million. I went to Authors in the Park, which may exist to this day in Central Florida, to recieve my award and get to meet, once more, Mr. Peck.

My story was published in an anthology that I received that day. I thought, what better way to commemmorate this turning point in my life than by having Mr. Peck sign it? However, when it was my turn to meet him in line, after gushing about how I'd met him years earlier, and wouldn't he please sign the anthology? I got reality thrust in my face.

"I'm only signing copies of my books that are purchased here today," I was told flatly.

I was crushed. The author I had looked up to, worshipped even, showed me what I thought was the cold reality of authors. It took the shine off that day, and tarnished my earlier memory of him.

Fast forward to last year, when I joined As I started learning my way around the site, I "friended" some people I knew from Twitter who probably were the ones who introduced me to it. I looked around, added books I owned, and thought ok, this is nice.

Then I realized you could friend authors and they could friend you back. NO WAY. Seriously?

Then I started entering contests to win advanced copies of books. Free books--before the public gets them? Whoa. And I began to find a different outlet for my writing--book reviews. I have a journal to jot down books I've read over the years, and a separate one to give a one sentence reaction to it (yes I love journals).  But now I could write reviews for people to see....even....the authors? Yeah just a bit of a power trip.

Eventually I had authors asking to friend ME. Then came the ebooks from authors. And towards the end of 2010, books were sent to me (I PROMISE I AM STILL READING...I may devour a book but they need to be read and enjoyed like a fine wine or Godiva chocolate). Just today I was sent 2 volumes of e-books by a new author who I think will be a huge hit.

And it hit me...the giddiness, the excitement...while my writing has changed to blog entries, fanfiction, role playing and book reviews....I've found a calling. A passion. True, a passion I hope that will eventually become a career, even if only part-time--after all, with my chronics, there are plenty of medical bills to be paid, including those for my son (more on those on my main blog

But that same fresh wonder at emailing with authors is the same feeling I had as a kid. Cracking open a book that few are priviledged to read before being sold to stores, it's a thrill.

I always felt a sense of disappointment that my years of writing--as well as a college degree in English Lit/Creative Writing--had lead to what I thought was a dead end except for some odd writing bits here and there, all unpaid.

But now, those dreams are back. It's good to feel like a kid again.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Attention Authors & Publishers: Promotional Services

The Crafty Angel
Krista Schwabe Promotional Services

Need publicity for your book? Hire me to make Social Media work for YOU!

I accept both hard copies and eBooks for review (please make sure the document is Nook Color compatible):
Document: EPUB (including Non or Adobe DRM), PDF, XLS, DOC
Graphics (JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP)

Here is what I can offer you for publicity (FREE):
Post review on and my book Blog (
Use of the review however you see fit (on your website, for a future book blurb, etc.) I just ask for proper credit "Krista Schwabe,"

Not on As a GoodReads Librarian I can set you up with a FREE account to reach even more readers!

Promotional Package: Fee of $35 to Paypal *PER BOOK*, I offer the following:
A link of the review on Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal (my accounts)
Review of your Book posted on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BooksAMillion (and sites YOU desire, ie SmashWords).
Link of review sent to you and your publisher (email, Twitter, FB, etc)
Review posted on any of the book clubs I belong to (currently and

*Please note* The heart of the review will remain the same on each site. My review will reflect that this was a product given to me for review for FTC policy compliance.

On my Book Blog:
Link your review to Amazon for easy ordering to readers
Link to your website(s) on my Esteemed Authors page (link to this page on my sidebar)

Aid in Setting up a shop for up to 5 cover-art products, slogans, book quotes, etc. (tshirts, coffee mugs, etc). These will be your own designs, and you will maintain control over your shop after creation.


Should you need simple artwork done, that would be an additional fee, to be agreed-upon. This can be for anything such as a slogan on a tshirt, to a web banner. I am able to do minor website work at this time as well.

I promise you to give you an honest, unbiased review, whether or not you choose the package. That is strictly for promoting your book through my review. I do not guarantee a "positive" review, but do promise that my reviews will be fair and if needed, have constructive criticism. I do not "book bash" --you as an author work too hard and I believe in integrity in my work. I also assure confidentiality of my clients 100%. No name-dropping here—unless you want it!

Please contact me at for Paypal address

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Reading List

Welcome to my 2011 Reading List! There will be links in the sidebar to past years from my other blog, Give Me Something to Sing About. This list will be updated as books are read and added, including  pages read total for the GoodReads Million Pages per Lifetime group.

Each book will include a hyperlink to, if available. Please support this blog by making purchases through these links! I will owe you a debt of gratitude :)

And now, sound the trumpet fanfare.......

Books Read: 6
Pages Read:
Must Read! The Best and Brightest get this well-deserved Star.

Continuing Reads:*The Collected Poems of Maya Angelou
*Chasing Zebras: The Unofficial Guide to House MD
The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out
100 Love Sonnets of Pablo Neruda
The Vitamin D Solution
The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart

The Truth About Santa

Quirk Books--with great appreciation and undying gratitude to Eric!
Women Know Everything
The Captain Jack Sparrow Handbook
The Jane Austen Handbook
The Meowmorphosis

GoodReads FirstReads (Free books--does it get better than that?)
Separate Kingdoms
*A Question of Manhood
*Red Hook Road
Things We Didn't Say
The Story of Charlotte's Web
The Gray Zone
French Lessons

Books/eBooks sent by Authors (For which I am humbly grateful!)
The Lexical Funk
Spin the Plate
*Shattered Wings
The Cries of Vampira
Textual Healing
The Lost Boy (The Noricin Chronicles #1)
The Gottlehrling Goblet (The Noricn Chronicles #2)
Not Just for Breakfast Anymore
The Blackberry Bush
*Rabbit: The Chasing of Beth Rider
The Judging: The Corescu Chronicles
Loose Rabbits: Chasing Beth Rider 1.5

Reads for 2011 (My Choice)
The Hunger Games
Eat, Pray, Love
Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse #1)
Backseat Saints

Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
The Blind Side
In a Heartbeat
Visions, Trips, and Crowded Rooms
Mr. Peanut
A Secret Kept

Zoo Story
To Hell on a Fast Horse
Lucky Billy
Clockwork Orange
Confessions of a Prairie Bitch

Reads for 2011 (Recommended by my daughter, JudoQueen)
The Amulet of Samarkand #1of the Bartimaeus Trilogy
Twilight: New Moon
The Count of Monte Cristo

Sherlock Holmes
Little Brother
The Alchemyst #1 of Nickolaus Flammel

Reads for 2011 (Read with my son, JediBoy)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid  2-5